January 23, 2017

There are only a few people in the world who have this gift. I believe this very strongly.

There are only a set of chosen people who possess the art of captivating inert minds and shaping lives. Only a certain group of people on this Earth can infuse ideas and create a platform where new ones can evolve. Only a certain set of people can teach.

The importance of teachers cannot be described in a sufficient amount of words. More importantly, the value of a good teacher is something that cannot be quantified.

A good teacher, whether she deals with academic topics or otherwise, does not teach in a manner that is unappealing. Everything that she says always seems relevant, new and thought-provoking. She can always make a dull topic come alive with great vibrancy and vivid colors. Everything that she conveys attaches itself to the inside of our brain with industrial-grade adhesive, never to come off or be forgotten. She always entertains your doubts and lets you correct her when she’s wrong.

Ask yourself honestly, how many such people have you met? How many of your mentors, your guides, your lecturers have been so special that their teachings have stuck around with you even to this day?

I am sure the list will not contain more that 10 names. If it does exceed that number however, you must be insanely lucky. I, for one, can think only of around 5 or 6 people whose words and teachings have been extremely important throughout my life. Sure, I have been taught by many, many people who know their subjects well. But, in my opinion, knowing your subject well and presenting your subject well are 2 vastly different things.

To every great teacher in my life. You have enhanced my life in more ways than I can count. And for that, I will be extremely grateful always.

To every person who has broadened my mind and changed the way I look at the universe. There is no substitute to the work you do and the value you add to my life!!

“Its the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge” – Albert Einstein


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